GULA SEMUT (coconut sugar powder)

Gula semut merupakan gula merah versi bubuk dan sering pula disebut orang sebagai gula kristal. Dinamakan gula semut karena bentuk gula ini mirip rumah semut yg bersarang di tanah. Bahan dasar untuk membuat gula semut adalah nira dari pohon kelapa atau pohon aren (enau). Karena kedua pohon ini masuk jenis tumbuhan palmae maka dalam bahasa asing, secara umum gula semut hanya disebut sebagai Palm Sugar atau Palm Zuiker.
Permintaan akan gula semut terus meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Ini tidak lepas dari usaha para produsen gula semut yang terus melakukan pendidikan pasar. Terutama terhadap target pasar industri yang sangat mempertimbangkan efisiensi, mereka terus menonjolkan sisi kepraktisan dari gula semut dibandingkan dengan menggunakan gula merah biasa.
Manfaat Gula Semut
buat anda yang ingin tetap mengkonsumsi gula tapi khawatir terkena diabetes, anda bisa mencoba mengkonsumsi gula semut, gula semut ini dapat menggantikan fungsi gula pasir dan kalori gulanya pun lebih rendah dari gula pasir.Gula semut terbuat dari bahan baku yang sama dengan gula jawa, yaitu air nira kelapa yang disadap. Hanya saja bentuknya yang berbeda, gula jawa berbentuk bongkahan, sedangkan gula senut ini berbentuk kristal-kristal halus. Untuk urusan rasa, ula jawa dan gula semut rasanya hampir saja, yang membedakan gula semut tersedia dengan bermacam-macam rasa(manis biasa, jahe,kunyit,temu lawak dll).
Sebagai pengganti gula pasir, gula semut sangat nikmat bila dipakai sebagai pemanis minuman teh dan kopi. Sebagai penyuka eksplorasi dalam cita rasa, coba anda kombinasikan rasa pahit teh hitam dengan rasa manis gula semut dalam secangkir minuma teh panas. Rasa karamel dari gula semut langsung menyergap penciuman. Di lidahpun kekentalan rasa terasa unik bernuansa tradisi. Ini mungkin bisa jadi akan menggugagah kenangan terhadap kulinari nenek moyang kala gula pasir belum se-merakyat seperti sekarang. Sekaran sudah tersedia banyak sekali tawaran rasa kopi, coba anda padukan kopi tubruk yang kental dan hitam dengan rasa manis dari gula semut. Anda pasti akan mendpatkan cita rasa yang sangat luar biasa. Apalagi jika dinikmati dengan camilan dan di temani oleh pasangan anda, pasti akan terasa jauh lebih nikmat...
Sebagai penguat rasa dan penguat khasiat minuman kesehatan, gula semut di buat dengan tambahan empon-empon(sari-sari) jahe, kencur, kunir, kunir putih, lengkuas, temu kunci, temu lawak. Minuman ini tidak hanya sangat bermanfaat terhadap kebugaran tubuh tapi juga ramah di lidah. Anda tidak perlu lagi meminum jamu yang begitu pahit.

Kandungan Gula Semut
Gula adalah gula merah yang berbentuk serbuk atau tepung dikenal dengan nama Palm sugar. Bahan dasar untuk membuat gula semut adalah nira dari pohon kelapa, aren (enau), nipah, lontar maupun tebu.
Gula semut belum dikenal luas oleh masyarakat, karena harganya relatif mahal dan ketersediaannya di pasar tidak selalu ada. Tetapi gula semut ini memiliki beberapa kelebihan dari gula merah yang sudah 1ebih dahulu dikenal oleh masyarakat, diantaranya :
Dapat disimpan dalam waktu kurang lebih dua tahun tanpa mengalami perubahan setelah dikeringkan dan dibungkus rapat
Mudah larut dan bentuknya menarik
Nilai ekonominya lebih tinggi
Memiliki aroma khas
Bentuknya kering dan tidak lembek
Gula semut mengandung :
Mineral K, Mg, P dan Fe

Alasan Kenapa Anda Tidak Usah Ragu Mengkonsumsi Gula Semut
manfaat-manfaat dari gula semut:
1. Gula semut Jahe
· Mencegah masuk angin.
· Perut kembung.
· Flu, batuk dan sebagai penghangat badan.
2. Gula semut kencur
· Mencegah dan mengurangi ngeres / pegel linu.
· Batuk, encok.
· Disentri dan sakit perut.
3. Gula semut kunir
· Merawat dan menghaluskan kulit.
· Membersihkan dan melancarkan darah.
· Mengurangi nyeri haid, maag, kolesterol dan sakit kuning.
4. Gula semut kunir putih
· Mencegah dan membantu mengurangi penyakit kanker.
· Tumor dan gejala dini stroke.
5. Gula semut lengkuas
· Meningkatkan vitalitas.
· Mengatasi demam.
· Reumatik.
· Sakit kepala.
· Radang tenggorokan dan memperbaiki pencernaan.
6. Gula semut temu kunci
· Melangsingkan tubuh.
· Mencegah dan mengurangi keputihan.
· Mencegah radang rahim, maag dan susut perut.
7. Gula semut Temu lawak
· Melancarkan peredaran darah.
· Mencegah dan menurunkan panas dalam, asam urat, kolesterol, sembelit dan mengeringkan luka.
· Memperbaiki fungsi hati.
Gula semut juga bisa di gunakan untuk mengobati dehidrasi dan kelelahan, caranya adalah, larutkan gula semut dengan air putih atau dengan air kelapa, kemudian dicampu dengan es batu secukupnya. Setelah anda meminumnya mak rasa haus dan lelah anda akan segera hilang.
Selain berfungsi sebagai pemanis biasa, gula semut digunakan dalam industri roti ( bakery), kue- kue, kecap, sirup, makanan bayi dan makanan lainnya. Yang dimanfaatkan bukan hanya rasa manisnya tapi juga warna coklat dan coklat kehitamannya yang cantik untuk memperkuat tampilan fisik makanan.Dan gula semut sudah mencapai pasaran expor.
Nah sekarang kenapa anda harus ragu untuk mengkonsumsi gula semut, mari kita hidup sehat dengan mengkonsumsi gula semut.

Gula Semut Sebagai Solusi Penderita Diabetes
Buat anda yang ingin tetap mengkonsumsi gula tapi khawatir terkena diabetes, anda bisa mencoba mengkonsumsi gula semut, gula semut ini dapat menggantikan fungsi gula pasir dan kalori gulanya pun lebih rendah dari gula pasir.Gula semut terbuat dari bahan baku yang sama dengan gula jawa, yaitu air nira kelapa yang disadap. Hanya saja bentuknya yang berbeda, gula jawa berbentuk bongkahan, sedangkan gula senut ini berbentuk kristal-kristal halus. Untuk urusan rasa, ula jawa dan gula semut rasanya hampir saja, yang membedakan gula semut tersedia dengan bermacam-macam rasa(manis biasa, jahe,kunyit,temu lawak dll).
Sebagai pengganti gula pasir, gula semut sangat nikmat bila dipakai sebagai pemanis minuman teh dan kopi. Sebagai penyuka eksplorasi dalam cita rasa, coba anda kombinasikan rasa pahit teh hitam dengan rasa manis gula semut dalam secangkir minuma teh panas. Rasa karamel dari gula semut langsung menyergap penciuman. Di lidahpun kekentalan rasa terasa unik bernuansa tradisi. Ini mungkin bisa jadi akan menggugagah kenangan terhadap kulinari nenek moyang kala gula pasir belum se-merakyat seperti sekarang. Sekaran sudah tersedia banyak sekali tawaran rasa kopi, coba anda padukan kopi tubruk yang kental dan hitam dengan rasa manis dari gula semut. Anda pasti akan mendpatkan cita rasa yang sangat luar biasa. Apalagi jika dinikmati dengan camilan dan di temani oleh pasangan anda, pasti akan terasa jauh lebih nikmat...hehehehe
Sebagai penguat rasa dan penguat khasiat minuman kesehatan, gula semut di buat dengan tambahan empon-empon(sari-sari) jahe, kencur, kunir, kunir putih, lengkuas, temu kunci, temu lawak. Minuman ini tidak hanya sangat bermanfaat terhadap kebugaran tubuh tapi juga ramah di lidah. Anda tidak perlu lagi meminum jamu yang begitu pahit.


Marble rock Central Java has a variety of color shades that are very varied and beautiful as black, white, beige, gray, golden yellow and other color combinations, unlike marble rocks in the other hemisphere are generally only have one type of pattern . We accept orders Crafts Marble / Marble Handicrafts Like: Mosaics, tiles or floor, Pilar, sink, marble Decorations, Souvenir Marble, Marble Tables & Chairs, Top Table, Garden Ornaments and others according custom design or shape that you want.
The process of mining, cutting marble, marble formation, polishing up to be excellent quality handicraft products ready for market. You can design your own or leave a good sample in the form of finished products or photos and we will create a custom suit that you want.
the process

Our Raw material directly from a rock quarry marble and andesite, those types of river rock that has a beautiful pattern when polished.
Here are examples of our products:

Various examples Crafts Marble / Marble Handicraft:
examples of marble handicrafts
and many more, the model according to your request.

examples of a candle holder
examples of a marble statue
example of a marble statue
and many more, the model according to your request.
examples of a Marble urns for Worship Confucianism
examples of a door handle
and many more, the model according to your request.
Examples of a Soap dish
Examples of a tissue box
and many more, the model according to your request.
Examples of a ashtray

26.  Examples of a Marble table
and many more, the model according to your request.

Above is only a small sampling of the many types of models and sizes.
If you are interested please send a picture to your desired products to our email address. We also serve the making of the model you want.

Reservations via email.
Thank you


1. examples of bamboo handicraft products
Bamboo craft is one of the handicrafts produced by the bamboo craftsmen in the district of Banjarnegara. Bamboo crafts bamboo craftsmen produced in Banjarnegara include a rice (rice basket), trays, newspapers, room divider, winnowing, the hood of food, brooms, of furniture, place decorative lights, a vegetable, hat, cap, calligraphy, decorative webbing, and so forth.
2. examples of bamboo handicraft products
3. examples of bamboo handicraft products

4. examples of bamboo handicraft products

bamboo crafts such as household appliances for example a vegetable, hat, place the rice, place newspaper hood of food, hats, and other lampshade-lain.Walaupun this job is part-time jobs from the main job as a farmer / worker but can create works that include one of the flagship products daerah.Kendala faced craftsmen is the lack of capital to meet the needs of the order.
5. examples of bamboo handicraft products
6. examples of bamboo handicraft products

Above is only a small sampling of the many types of models and sizes.
If you are interested please send a picture to your desired products to our email address. We also serve the making of the model you want.
Reservations via email.
thank you


Ceramics in Central Java has high artistic value with decoration that combines elements of traditional and modern with a distinctive appeal in accordance with the development of today's society.

UNDERSTANDING the term "ceramic" in the book "Dictionary of Art" Bernard writing. S. Myers (1969), said to be derived from the ancient Greek word meaning Keramos clay. Explored further, in fact Keramos said it was the name of one of the Greek gods. "Encyclopedia of The Art" explaining that in Greek mythology, Keramos is the patron deity of the craft makers of clay or ceramic. Keramos was the son of god Baccus and Goddess Ariadne. In this case, in the sense of ceramic pottery including the type of burnt low (below the temperature of 1000oC, about 350ΓΈ-500oC) also called Earthenware or aardewerk or terracotta, where the structure and texture is very brittle, coarse, porous and is the lowest quality.
Central Java famous ceramic handicrafts. Results ceramics from Central java including: jars, vases, umbrella, animal sculptures, souvenirs, and so forth. Of the various kinds of ceramic handicrafts, can be produced from several ceramic-making techniques, such as glazing ceramics, terracotta tile, and ceramic paints.
Production Process
The types of ceramics produced, among others:Ceramic Glazing is a type of ceramic that most in the market for applications floors, walls, and decorative ceramics. Glazing layer is applied with a high temperature so that it blends with the ceramic body. This layer is what makes the design motif and texture ceramics. Ceramic glazing layer made of waterproof, fire resistant and easy to clean because it is very dense and non-porous.Ceramic TerracottaThe term terracotta or terracotta comes from the root word terra-cotta (Italian) is a product of burning clay so maroon, sometimes coated gloss and color. In other words, ceramic tiled terracotta is the result of burning clay brick red color result (the color of burnt clay).Ceramic PaintCeramic paint is a technique of making ceramics by coating with paint pottery results and usually the results are not as shiny as the craft clay coated with glazing.Product Specifications:Made of clay through the combustion processDone By Hand (Hand mide)Having a touch of art


Assorted Jar
We produce a wide range of types and sizes of jars are enriched with various motifs and colors.

some sample jars
some sample jars
some sample jars
and many more, we also serve a variety of shapes and sizes according to your request.
Household Equipment:

Household Equipment
Household Equipment
and many more, we also serve a variety of shapes and sizes according to your request.

Ceramic sculpture :
Ceramic sculpture
and many more, we also serve a variety of shapes and sizes according to your request.

and many more, we also serve a variety of shapes and sizes according to your request.

Ceramic teapot :
Ceramic teapot

and many more, we also serve a variety of shapes and sizes according to your request.

Flower pot :
Flower pot
and many more, we also serve a variety of shapes and sizes according to your request.

Greek urns
Greek urns

and many more, we also serve a variety of shapes and sizes according to your request.

Above is only a small sampling of the many types of models and sizes.
If you are interested please send a picture to your desired products to our email address. We also serve the making of the model you want.

reservations via email


some examples Gumelem batik motifs
Banjarnegara a traditional batik craft center which until now there are 56 craftsmen. Although these activities are still the odd jobs for housewives, but the results are much in demand by the public and became one of the flagship products of domestic industrial sector. The style of the craft of batik is very diverse, there are named batik Flute Mas, Cendol Salak, Cendol wutah, Dawet Ayu, Salak Cape, and Temple Kusuma.With the use of batik dibudayakannya as uniforms or clothing to attend formal occasions, the greater marketing opportunities batik Gumelem. Results of batik batik cloth Gumelem form as material to make clothes, clothes that have been designed to look more attractive, as well as other accessories made of batik.Untuk evolving towards batik business professionals required the addition of capital, labor and skill enhancement promotional efforts. During this promotion and marketing efforts conducted through both exhibitions organized by local governments or private.
some examples Gumelem batik motifs.
some examples Gumelem batik motifs.
some examples Gumelem batik motifs.
some examples Gumelem batik motifs.

above are just some examples of batik motifs Gumelem Central Java Indonesia. still a lot of other motives, if you are interested please find motig of batik Gumelem on the internet. then you can send the pictures to us to find him.
Reservations via email.